Earn Money Online: Get Paid To Write And Create Content. How To Make Money Online.



Earn Money Online: Get Paid To Write And Create Content. How To Make Money Online.

1. Paid in writing

text vendor

Ever wanted to have a crack in an old writing game? Now is your chance. Textbroker pays for the content of ads, websites and newsletters. The company acts as a middleman between clients and writers, taking cuts of each piece sold.

Regular charges are £ 5 to $ 30 per article, and Forumites has written about the entirety from sports activities and natural world to finance and casinos. Some MoneySavers have suggested that article authorization may be void and often delays in accepting new authors - a few things to keep in mind. Some have reported that the work is not as extensive as before.

Some Forums, such as Sinkorswim, change year-round:

I have been a Textbroker for nine months, and have made over £ 1,000. It was my gift, as I had to retire part-time because of a back problem. I found another job, but I was reluctant to stop writing, as I really enjoyed it.

- Sinkorswim

Forumite Farmers-wife says:

I just started with Textbroker as a writer. Six topics down and I’m stuck. As a stay-at-home mom and a farmer, it is a pleasure to do something for ourselves. Receiving commendation in writing did wonders for my confidence.

- Farmers-wife

Quick summary

• For whom? People who like to write and have a high level of grammar

• Average salary: £ 50 / month (if you are committed)

• Payment method: Payment via PayPal

• How much do you need to earn before paying: £ 9ish (paying in euros)

• Have you tried it? Share your knowledge in the Textbroker forum series

2. Get paid to write, enter

 data and more


In addition to paying for written content, Clickworker offers other services, including data entry, web research, product reviews and data tagging.

MoneySavers reports that there are a number of services offered. They have written Groupon ads, tour descriptions, airline ads and fashion articles, to name a few.

You must complete an exam before you can work, and most tasks require at least 90% points. You can earn between £ 2 for short jobs and £ 5 for long jobs.

Quick summary

• Who is this good for? People can't write winning ads

• Average salary: £ 20 / month (note, pay in euros)

• Payment method: PayPal

• How much money do you need to earn before you pay: € 5 (£ 4.50)

• Have you tried it? Share your experience in the Clickworker forum series

3. Earn money from home-

made videos


We can't promise to earn £ 100,000 as the father uploaded "Charlie bit my finger - too!", A clip of his two clever little brothers covering 870 million views. But even if your YouTube videos are not a global issue, you can still get a little more each month through a video sharing site.

Remember, if you start over, it will be at least 12 months before you see any money, and there is no guarantee that you will earn anything, so it is not fast or some money in any way. it said. That being said, for inspiration before we begin, here is the story of Forite sophie.christie:

Almost two years ago I started out a YouTube channel account. One of my videos started to do well and the site asked me to be a partner.

"I started earning very little money on this. However, over the past year I have been posting new videos with birthday party tips. I am now 80 years old, with over $ 20 a daily income. It increases by about 10% each month."

- sophie.christie

How the YouTube Partner Program works

The YouTube Partner Program allows users to make less money on ads that accompany their videos. You must apply to be a partner, and to qualify you need to have about 1,000 subscribers to your channel and your videos need to be viewed at least 4,000 hours in the last 12 months. To find out more about eligibility, see the YouTube Help Site.

Profits vary widely, depending on how much view you are able to collect and how much revenue the ads generate.

Quick summary

• Who is this good for? People who enjoy making funny clips or have the ability to present and share specialized information, and know the basics of capturing and editing video

• Standard benefits: £ 60

• Payment method: Bank transfer or check in Google AdSense

• How much do you need to earn before you pay: £ 60

• Have you tried it? Let us know that Earn Money with a series of home-made video forums

4. Earn money with your

 blog or website

If you have a blog or website, open a free account with Amazon Associates, a program where you get Amazon vouchers for linking to the site.

Just follow the steps to add links and ads to your website. When someone clicks on Amazon for your site and does the work, it is recorded and paid a 1-12% commission, which you get with Amazon cash or discount.

The money you earn relies upon on how much you sell and what category you are in - for example, you get a 3% fee on cameras and smartphones and 10% on watches and jewelry. (See full list of payments and Q&A for payments.)

Or don't just fill your site with Amazon links. What works best is to make sure you have quality editing content, and then add links afterwards.

Products purchased by you personally will not be included in your commission, and nothing will be ordered to be delivered to your home address or paid on your credit card.

Quick summary

• Who is this good for? Those who have a blog or site that they would like to earn money from.

• Average salary: £ 25 / month (depending on your site's popularity)

• Payment method: Amazon credit and cash

• Pre-payment: £ 25 in Amazon credit or bank transfer, £ 50 check

• Have you tried it? Share your experience in the Amazon Associates forum series

5. Write a Kindle e-book

EL James' Fifty Shades of Gray started out as a self-published e-book - now it's your turn to emulate his success. The Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing tool allows you to download your own e-books instantly, for free. Every time a book sells, Amazon gives you up to 70% of the list price (excluding VAT).

Although not a guaranteed spin-off, e-books should not be Booker Prize competitors. If you are an expert on a niche topic, from making worm compost to roller-coaster riding, you can pocket a little extra every month.

Quick summary

• Who is this good for? People who want to bash in a best-selling place, even though the money is not guaranteed

• Payment method: Electronic financial institution transfer (see full price details)

• How much to earn before paying: No

• Have you tried it? Share your experience in the Kindle Direct forum series

6. Get Paid to update music

 and more

Review the site Slicethepie pays you for each song, fashion item, accessory or ad you rate. As you build a reputation, you can gain more. Read the site tutorial before you start.

Generally, a member who is willing to spend a few hours each night can expect to earn about £ 30 / month, although Foramuites reports that this may vary. The amount you earn in each review varies depending on your 'Star Rate' - the overall quality of your reviews - and the quality of that particular review.

Quick summary

• For whom? You will need an open mind. MoneySavers reported that revenue was declining recently

• General Benefits: Earn in dollars and earn between $ 0.10 and $ 0.20 per review - Forums report monthly salary of up to £ 30 / month

• Payment method: Payment via PayPal

• How much do you need to earn before you pay: $ 10 (about £ 7)

• Have you tried it? Share your experience in the Slicethepie forum series

7. Get paid to type audio

Nostalgic for typing pool days in the Mad Men era? Take Note Company pays the typist for about £ 8.75 / hour to type audio.

You need Microsoft Word, at least C with GCSE English and you must be able to extract at least 65 words per minute. It pays per minute for each sound, not a minute of your time, so it's only worth the fastest typers (take a speed test to see how you measure).

To apply, you take tests with typing speed, formatting and English language. You must sign up for at least two shifts per week, approximately six hours each (evenings and weekends available).

I am one of their freelance writers and so far she is beautiful - the payday comes on time every month and works for £ 7- £ 9 an hour.

- cazmanian_minx

Quick summary

• For whom? Fast C-type typers in GCSE English

• General Benefits: Note that the average writer earns from £ 300 / mth

• Payment method: Deposit money in your bank account or PayPal

• How much money do you need to earn before you pay: No less (pay once a month)

• Have you tried it? Share your experience in the Take Note forum series

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