What is the impact of black links on the website? How to check if the website is linked to black links?


Generally, informal or fringe websites will use black chains to improve their rankings, which is also a common method in black hat SEO techniques. It can be understood as obtaining backlinks (single links) of other people's websites through informal channels, using software to scan the program loopholes of the website, obtaining permission to upload and modify files on the website, and adding your own link code on the webpage.

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The website is linked to the black chain is the most troublesome problem for webmasters, not only the website will be demoted, but also the risk of being hacked, and sometimes it will affect the security of the website and marry someone. And some unscrupulous hackers always use all their means in order to achieve ulterior motives. As novice webmasters, we must always guard against the black chain of the website we have worked so hard to create. Now we will introduce the simplest method. The method to check whether the website has been linked to the black link.

What is the impact of black links on the website? How to check if the website is linked to black links?

So what are black links?

Black chains (also called hidden chains) are external links that we don't see when we browse the web, but can be found by looking at the source code, and search engine spiders can recognize them normally, so black chains can only help A website rapidly improves its ranking in a short period of time. This behavior is to add link code to web pages without the consent of the other party, some people tamper with the content and add jump code, which is an illegal method. Therefore, Baidu will impose penalties on websites linked to the black chain, reducing the weight or K station.

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If you're adding black links to your website, you can see if there are four common ways to add black links:

1. Set the display property to none to make the link information invisible on the page.

2. Make the link characters infinitely small and invisible to the naked eye.

3. Match the color of the link text to the background color of the web page to make the link unrecognizable.

4. Place the link off-screen.

How does a hacked link affect a website?

1. The website is linked by others: If there is too much illegal link text on the search result page, Baidu will issue a risk warning, and the rights of the website may be reduced until it is cleaned up. The degree of reduction depends on website weight.

2. Hanging black links on other people's websites: Although it can improve the ranking of keywords in a short time, it will be discovered by Baidu after a period of time and will be attacked by algorithms. Snapshot rankings will disappear and even reduce rankings for some long-tail terms.

Check whether there is any abnormal code in the source program of the website. Hacked links generally add a large number of hidden links on the homepage. These links cannot be seen in the front desk. On the surface, you may not see signs that your website has been hacked, but that does not mean that your website has not been passive. Hands and feet, but as long as you look at the source code, there will be surprises waiting for you.

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Check if there are any abnormal links in the affiliate link. For friends who are doing SEO, it should be a common practice to check links, because it is often checked whether a website has been downgraded or K. If you check out an abnormal link, or the number of links you check out suddenly increases a lot , then these sudden links are likely to be black chains.

Finally, how do we prevent the website from being hacked? We mainly do a good job in website server security configuration, fixing website vulnerabilities, setting complex FTP passwords, executing directories, setting write permissions, installing protection software, etc. In addition, we have also selected conventional server providers, such as Alibaba Cloud, which have powerful anti-brute force and attack protection functions, vulnerability alerts and other functions, which can reduce the possibility of website intrusion.

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