Make $200 From Google Sites | A New Method (Make Money Online)



Make $200 From Google Sites | A New Method (Make Money Online)

Now mind you i'm not going to talk about a few little payments here and there. I'm talking about large payments like 280 dollars 375 dollars and 830 dollars.It's all thanks to the power of this google trick which i'll tell you in this article. Few people are aware of this and those who are aware of the this trick, keep it to themselves.

So please allow me to share the best of what i know with you. The best part is that the strategy is available in every country around the globe and pays off in a variety of methods. This is also completely free.

So read the full article carefully to learn the secret google trick and start earning right away.

Before we go further, welcome to the where we will teach you the most up to date making money online ideas tips and tricks.

Going back to the topic, the first step in making hundreds of dollars with google is to visit this website called

1. Step one is to go to google 

and type in

Followed by enter and you'll see the first website right there. It's a url shortener that can pay you up to 220 dollars if you use it now. When you click on this link you'll be sent to the actual website where i'll tell you, how to make 220 dollars in just minutes to start making money quickly. You must follow my instructions and apply my google trick.

Let me show you some of the payment proofs on this website.


Just look at this people from all around the world are making money right. Catching up on their earnings, hundreds of real income proofs are available.

In general this website pays out on schedule every single day without fail and never misses a payment. They pay their members and you can see that they don't miss any payments and that they're paid using a variety of methods including bank transfer, paypal, skrill, paytm or bitcoin. You may also see in real time how much they've paid their customers to start making money right immediately.

On our website you only

 need to follow three simple 


  • The first step is to create and sign up for an account.
  • The next step is for you to start shortening your links and sharing them with others, which i will teach you how to do that later in the last of the article. 
  • And most important step is for you to start earning money. But there is a catch. You must pay close attention to this article because this will only work if you do it correctly. Which i will teach you how to do later in the article.

Simply hover your mouse over the upper right hand corner to see the register button, if you want to sign up for a free account. Simply click the link and fill out the form to sign up for a new membership.

Now when you sign up for a free account, you will receive a one dollar bonus as a welcome bonus and once you've made five dollars you can start withdrawing your money by using my google trick. I'll show you how to make money right now.

Daily payouts are one of the reasons i prefer this business to others, where you can use the same strategy to make money but only be paid every other week. This website pays out on a daily basis and allows a number of different payment methods. You can receive your payment on this website if you're from different countries around the world and the minimum payment is merely five dollars.

It's fairly simple once you've made five dollars, you can start cashing out your money into any payment method you like and that's how it works. 

Right now on this website we'll use the method of going to youtube and finding a video of a very specific video, copying the url and then returning to this page and pasting the link into the bar.

We're going to shorten this url and after we do you'll be able to share it across several platforms and earn money every time someone clicks on it.

Let me now show you the various payment rates that you'll receive. 

If people from Greenland click on your link, you'll receive 22 dollars. If people from Greenland click on your link. If you get people from the United States to click on your link, you'll get paid seven dollars.

Now people from all over the world will click on your link and you'll be able to make a variety of different sums of money. That is why you would have combined the google trick, because the most money you can earn per 1000 views of people from Greenland click on your link is 22.

So in this article i'm going to tell you, how to find the best video on youtube.

Since you won't make much money if you find a bad video. I'll show you how to choose the best video. Then we'll go to this website to shorten the url and then we'll go to google and use a specific trick to multiply your money and make a lot of money with this strategy. 

I'm quite excited to present this entire strategy to you.

So right now this is my first step; 

I'd like you to go to youtube because so many people want to learn how to lose weight in our world. The best performing videos i've ever seen are all on weight loss. So when you go to youtube and search for weight loss videos. 

Select this filter shown in pic and then this week because there is a brand new fresh content. This week will determine the best performing video this week too.

Now you must choose the video with the most views likes and comments for this week. As there will be competition from other videos that have recently been uploaded.

As you can see this one was uploaded quite some time ago and along with these other videos you'll find the most popular ones too.

This one(Shown in Picture) for example has a lot of views. So the next thing you should do is click on it and then you'll see this.

This is the video url link which you will click and copy.

Now go to and paste the url right there on this tab and then all you have to do is click on the shorten button and they'll give you a shorter url as shown in the picture.

Simply click on this to highlight them and then copy this url to save for later.

Now is the time to return to google and search for forums, specifically weight loss forums. You'll look for a weight loss forum by typing weight loss forum into your search engine. 

When we use this strategy we'll find a lot of different forums where we can share the link because people who want to lose weight usually hang out and join different forums to participate in different discussions and learn different weight loss tips.

So you'll join one of these forums. 

Like this one;

This is just one of a number of examples i'd like to give you.

You may find hundreds of different forums by searching on google but stay until the end of this article because i'll show you the number one strategy for getting people from Greenland to click on your link, so you can make more money.

As you can see in picture, getting people from canada only earns you six dollars and fifty cents, however getting people from Greenland earns you four times as much. I'll show you exactly how to do that in a moment.

So returning to the forum you can typically just sign up and register for free. So in this topic for example click the sign up button and fill out your details;

What i suggest is that you create a fake username and then create an account. You can do this on as many forums as you'd. Like the more forms you find the more links you'll be able to share.

However there is one huge flaw with this method. While you can get people from all over the world to click on your link.

How can we narrow our focus and find more individuals from Greenland, Ireland and the United States to make more money?When you make a separate google search. This is the hidden strategy i want to show you.

You'll go to the setting. So i went to the settings and located advanced search which you'll click and then you'll see this region right there.

For example the region you want to filter them on is Greenland. You can find a lot of forms specifically in Greenland this way and then you just repeat the process.

That is how you get a lot of people from Greenland to click on your link. However because the number of forums in Greenland is limited you can also do it in Ireland or in Belgium. You can return to google and go to the settings, then region, then search for the country you're looking for.

This procedure can be repeated as many times as you want. You may find a variety of weight loss videos on youtube. Which is absolutely legal way and ethical to use. You will not be fined or penalized because you are not reposting or re-uploading other people's videos.

But rather sharing them this is one way to apply the google trick, since it allows you to become extremely focused and specialized in a particular area. In order to generate more money online you can distribute this link in a variety of methods.

Once again you can share it on youtube. In youtube comments or any other websites.

For example; it might be done on facebook or any other social media platform. Now the more people that click on your link the more money you'll make and this is how all of these folks make money from all over the world. This is something that people do all of the time and that's it.

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