Get Paid Forever With These 3 Skills - (High Paying Skills)


Get Paid Forever With These 3 Skills - (High Paying Skills)

Everyone is talking about Ai. People are afraid of losing their jobs in the future due to the fact that robots can work in their place and do better than them.

In an interview with the New York Times, Elon Musk said that "artificial intelligence can overtake the human race by 2025".

Something really scary, but today in this short article I want to share with you three skills that you or anyone can learn today in 2022 and ensure that you will have a job or at least be able to work from home for at least the next ten to twenty years, with these skills.

1. Programming and Development:

Programming and Development
First skill is programming and development. When I say programming, I didn't mean basic development and coding. I mean advanced level programming. Why am I saying this? because we simply have open AI today. We have codecs that you can simply tell this AI model to create an app for you as a small piece of code. It will generate it in seconds. So in these days, Ai is overtaking basic programmers and primary coding skills. So you need to go to the next level and learn two major fields of programming.

  • On no.1 is Quantum Computing, which is considered the future of computing
  • On no.2 is the Machine Learning, Ai and Data Analysis.

If you learn these skills or one of them, you can be sure that AI will not overtake you in the next few years, and the nice thing is that you can do it for free. You can go to now, you can go to, you can go to and learn technical skills for free and don't forget udemy, you can also go to udemy and search for, let's say quantum computing, and if you want to start completely free, you can simply go to the price section and say free and you get a bunch of free courses to start with. All of these courses are free, so you have no excuse. You need to improve your skills. knowledge is the main key to success. Especially in the coming near future.

Don't forget YouTube. We have a lot of youtube channels on YouTube that teach Programming, Machine Learning, AI, Quantum Computing and completely free.

2. Online Marketing:

Online Marketing

Skill Number Two, Online Marketing. When I say online marketing, I mainly mean four things.
  • Number one is Copywriting. So why copywriting or writing in general, because today, even if we have like jasper, we have a lot of Ai content creation tools. If you go deep into these tools, you will notice that they are not as powerful as humans. We as a human being, can communicate in a better way with other humans. In particular, to understand their psychology, the psychology of the target audience, what we call Persona. We can add our own case studies, our own experiences, and Ai still can't do that.
  • We also have Story Telling. I also believe it's an amazing skill, if you can improve and sell online.
  • In third place in online marketing is Management of advertising campaigns and Sales Funnels. Building a successful sales Funnel is not an easy task, and A.i still can't do it today. So I believe learning this skill will also help you deliver and sell it as a service. Maybe online or may have a job in an online marketing company or agency.
  • Number four under online marketing is what we call User Experience or UI (User interface), UX (User Experience) for short. User experience and user interface is to understand and design the best interface for websites, for applications. This will give best experience to the users.

3. Design

Skill number three is Design.
  • I mean mainly 3D modeling. Which helps you create designs for Metaverse and VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality).
  • The second skill in design is learning Advanced After Effects and creating motion graphics animations.
These skills will have a large number of audience these days and also in upcoming years. Although they have a lot of competition, it is not easy to learn, but if you learn it, you will have a chance to work. Again in any company or in online field, as a freelancer.

Do not forget to share this article with your friends and family, and the people you really care about. Help them know about these skills and if you have any thoughts about any of these skills, if you have some other ideas, please do not hesitate to share them below in the comments section to help each other and to give each other unique ideas to learn about.

 For me, every day, every single day i dedicate at least one hour to learn something new to watch courses, read books, test things and to learn new skills. You need to do the same to improve your skills and step to the next level.

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