Android and iOS which is more secure? A Comparison report


Now the mobile phone market is completely the world of Android and iOS, and therefore, cyber criminals or hackers will try their best to find loopholes. If you value security, you must know which is more secure, Android or iOS? This article will answer for you.

App market (Play and App Store) security

Android is a very open system, which is a good thing for users, but for the Play Store, there will be some hidden dangers, because it is easier for hackers to implant malicious codes into applications.

However, Google claims to have improved the security of the Play Store, but the results remain to be seen. After all, there have been too many problems in the past, and there are even more than hundreds of thousands of downloads, and the high-ranking apps contain malicious code.

Apple has strict control over the App Store, and each application is carefully checked, thus greatly reducing the possibility of malware.

Market Share

As far as mobile devices are concerned, Android has a relatively high market share, which sounds great, right? But in terms of security, this is a weakness because it is an easier target for hackers.

That's why Android has so much malware (as does Windows), and iOS has less.

Equipment Manufactory

Apple has long been known for beautiful designs, so you'll be delighted with the quality.

Apple's devices are also inseparable from the operating system. Therefore, it is possible to develop the best in all aspects (such as: operation, stability, security, etc.), but the flexibility of use is relatively low compared to users.

Android is an open system that can be installed on any brand and device. Some brands are well integrated and provide a perfect user experience, but some are not, which means that it is likely to cause some security holes.

Update Patch

Constantly updating patches is one of the main ways to ensure the security of iOS and Android.

Because iOS is a closed system, it is very easy for Apple to develop and send updates, so if a vulnerability is found, the relevant patch can be obtained quickly.

Android is different. There are too many brands and models, and each one cannot get the same level of security updates, depending on the brand developer.

Most of the time, only the flagship models will get more and longer updates, while the low-end and mid-range models will get fewer updates.

Do Android and iOS security have anything in common?

While the code for the two systems is different, Android and iOS have similar security features, namely full support for VPN encryption, which is quite important for mobile devices. 

Who is the more secure winner, Android or iOS?

In recent years, Google has been improving its Android security, and Android director David Kleidermacher even said that it can now compete with rival iOS.

However, judging from the news and information of this year, it must still be issued to iOS, which is still the most secure operating system today.


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