Discover the 7 Best Nuts for a Healthier You!


Nuts aren't just delightful snacks; they're nature's nutrient-packed treasures, boasting an array of benefits like unsaturated fats, protein, and fiber. According to the insightful wisdom of Nichole Dandrea-Russert, M.S., R.D.N., author of The Vegan Athlete’s Nutrition Handbook, the advantages of nut consumption range from weight management and heart health to immune system support and enhanced cognition. Kelly Jones, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., a sports dietitian, adds to the excitement by shedding light on the evolving research showcasing the potential benefits of regular nut intake on gut health. 

Nuts, dry fruits, health benefits of nuts

Now, let's dive into the specifics of the fantastic seven nuts that can be your next go-to snack, baking buddy, or the perfect addition when you're in the mood for a healthy handful.

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1. Pistachios: The Protein Packed Powerhouse

Pistachios, pistachios picture

Pistachios aren't just delicious; they are a plant-based protein sensation, containing all nine essential amino acids. Not just a snack, these green wonders also offer melatonin for healthy sleep and are armed with phytochemicals, granting them antioxidant and anti-inflammatory prowess. Try them on roasted veggies, as a crunchy "breading" for fish fillets, or mixed into yogurt with a drizzle of honey.

One ounce (49 kernels) of pistachios contains:

- Calories: 159

- Fat: 12.8 grams

- Protein: 5.73 grams

- Fiber: 3 grams

- Copper: 41% of the DV

- Vitamin B6: 28% of the DV

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2. Walnuts: The Good-Mood Food

Walnuts aren't just a tasty treat; studies hint at their potential to boost cognitive and mental health due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A daily dose of 56g has even been associated with improved mood and increased gut microbe biodiversity in stressed-out students. Walnuts are also rich in omega-3, specifically ALA, offering a natural mood lift.

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One ounce (14 halves) of walnuts contains:

- Calories: 185

- Fat: 18.5 grams

- Protein: 4.31 grams

- Fiber: 1.9 grams

- Manganese: 53% of the DV

3. Brazil Nuts: The Selenium Superstars

A single Brazil nut is a selenium powerhouse, vital for reproduction, thyroid health, and preventing cell damage. However, caution is advised due to their high selenium content. These nuts also bring zinc, copper, magnesium, and act as antioxidants. Chop them finely for a yogurt topping or blend them into a smoothie.

One ounce (6 kernels) of Brazil nuts contains:

- Calories: 187

- Fat: 19 grams

- Protein: 4.05 grams

- Fiber: 2.13 grams

- Selenium: 989% of the DV

- Copper: 55% of the DV

- Magnesium: 25% of the DV

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4. Almonds: The Heart's Best Friend

Almonds, with their healthy monounsaturated fats, are a heart-friendly addition to your diet. They're also rich in fiber, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E. Go for whole almonds with the skin on to support gut health through their prebiotic properties.

One ounce (23 kernels) of almonds contains:

- Calories: 164

- Fat: 14.1 grams

- Protein: 6.01 grams

- Fiber: 3.54 grams

- Vitamin E: 48% of the DV

- Manganese: 27% of the DV

5. Peanuts: The Protein Powerhouse

Though technically legumes, peanuts offer similar benefits to nuts, providing healthy fats and protein. In fact, they boast more protein than most nuts, making them a great addition to curries, energy bites, or as a dollop of peanut butter in pancake batter.

One ounce (28 grams) of peanuts contains:

- Calories: 160

- Fat: 13.8 grams

- Protein: 7.14 grams

- Fiber: 2.41 grams

- Manganese: 27% of the DV

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6. Cashews: The Energy Bundle

Cashews bring a wealth of essential minerals like zinc, copper, magnesium, and manganese, crucial for energy production, immune support, and bone health. They're also rich in leucine, an essential amino acid triggering muscle synthesis. Stir-fries, roasted delights, or creamy vegan pasta sauce, cashews are versatile and delicious.

One ounce (28 grams) of cashews contains:

- Calories: 157

- Fat: 12.4 grams

- Protein: 5.16 grams

- Fiber: 0.94 grams

- Copper: 69% of the DV

7. Hazelnuts: The Antioxidant Marvels

Hazelnuts, with their mild sweetness, are not just dessert companions; they're packed with antioxidants that combat oxidative stress. Eating them with the skin on enhances their antioxidant activity, reducing oxidative stress. Mix them with other nuts, chocolate chips, and dried fruit for the ultimate on-the-go trail mix.

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One ounce (21 kernels) of hazelnuts contains:

- Calories: 178

- Fat: 17.2 grams

- Protein: 4.25 grams

- Fiber: 2.75 grams

- Manganese: 87% of the DV

Best Way to Enjoy Nuts for Maximum Nutrition:

Pair them with fresh fruit like apples, pears, or berries for a balanced snack that not only provides fat, protein, and fiber but also maintains steady blood sugar levels. If you're on the move, swap in dried fruit for a convenient, shelf-stable snack. For a higher-protein boost, combine a handful of nuts with a hard-boiled egg, veggies, and hummus, creating a satisfying and nutritious snack, as recommended by Jones. With these tips, let the nutty journey to a healthier you begin!


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