How many articles are updated on the website a day is better


How many articles should a website update a day? How many articles should a website update every day is good for SEO? Webmasters all know that they need to update high-quality articles for their website every day to attract spiders, so how many articles should be updated every day to be conducive to SEO optimization ? Before answering this question, we need to figure out what type of website our website belongs to. Different types of websites have different numbers of article updates. Below, we will tell you about the number of daily updated articles for different types of websites.

How many articles are updated on the website a day is better

A blog site

  Most blog-type websites are operated independently by webmasters, and most of them are personal-type websites. Such websites will be limited by factors such as time and energy. Therefore, we recommend that everyone take care to update 1-2 original articles every day, so that not only the probability of being crawled is high, but also it is easier to obtain keyword rankings.

2. Portal website

  Portal websites want to rank well for keywords, and they need to ensure that there is sufficient content in the website as much as possible. We suggest that if your company has website editors, you need to ensure that each editor can update about 15 pseudo-original articles every day. It is not required to be original here. Although original content is the most friendly to search engines, portal websites are involved in many industries, and originality is too difficult. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to the format of the article publishing, such as: unified font size, appropriate segmentation, bold and color fonts, smooth sentences, etc.

3. Industry website

  Usually industry type websites are more competitive, so the requirements for the quality of articles will be higher. We suggest that industry-type websites need to first find out the degree of competition in the industry they belong to, and then decide how many articles should be updated every day. If the website is run by you alone, I recommend that you publish 5 articles a day and reprocess the articles as much as possible. If there is a website editor to complete it, please also update 5 high-quality articles for each editor.

4. Enterprise website

  Enterprise websites are the choice of most SEOers. A good enterprise website will not only have a high conversion rate, but also bring us objective commissions. However, corporate websites usually have little content and fixed product types, so how many articles do we need to publish every day to rank well for keywords? We suggest that corporate websites should publish 3-5 original articles every day. Why? To be original? Because there are fewer keywords on the corporate website, it is more necessary to keep improving. High-quality original articles can play a very important role in ranking for keywords. If you do not have the ability to be original for the time being, pseudo-original is also possible, but please revise the first and last paragraphs of the article and make appropriate additions or deletions to the middle part of the article.


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