How to create high-quality backlinks?


For SEO, adding external chain promotion and inclusion is already a routine operation, but there are few good and valuable external chain platforms. The places where it is easy to add external chains are of little value, and platforms with high value cannot send external chains, and the platform audit is relatively strict. Pastebin, as long as it can be pastebin, it will cause fission. These are all things to come. The premise is to have an original high-quality article. How can you write a high-quality article?

How to create high-quality backlinks?

1. External link articles that meet the needs of users

  As long as it can be included, then this platform has a certain value for individuals. Relatively speaking, if the platform includes your article, it means that your article also meets the taste of the platform engine. Search engines do not necessarily include every article, but as long as there are many publications and a large number of external links, it will always be included in the engine. The most important thing is to publish off-chain articles according to the taste of the public.

Second, high-quality technical information articles

  Now is the Internet age, and everyone generally likes to search for relevant information online, whether it is life or technology. For example, "the future development trend of the XX industry", "PS production details", etc., these are technical articles based on life as the starting point, with a large number of clicks, a large demand, and a large amount of inclusion.

How to find external chain and mining resource platform?

  1. Purchase paid platform resources. If the cost of this aspect permits, the effect of many paid resource collection platforms on the Internet is quite impressive. For example, the enterprise blog network and the Cape of Good Hope bookmarking network are all good choices.

  2. Sina Blog, A5, 28 Tweet, Sowai, Alibaba, HC, etc. When publishing products on these websites, you can bring the website link, and the effect is good.

  3. Competitor website. Search competitors' external link websites to see which websites their external links are published on, and then include these websites, and also go to these websites to send external links.

  4. Accumulate contacts in the process of promotion, because you will meet many like-minded people. As long as you are doing well, someone may help you when you need it. Relatively speaking, when others need it. Can help you, help each other.

  5. Baidu Wenku, Douban, Baidu Tieba, Baidu Know, Sina Q&A, Tianya Forum, Toutiao, Dafeng, Yidian, Zhihu, etc. Although these websites have good weights, if you want to send external links for free, it is impossible, and the system will delete them in seconds. Therefore, if you want to publish external links on such platforms, it is particularly important to accumulate contacts.

  The main purpose of publishing external links is to promote the site. Articles with external links are published through high-weight platforms. The greater the reading volume of this article, the greater the probability of being included, and the possibility of being forwarded. Articles published in external links on websites with high weight are included and easily reprinted, so as to carry out secondary promotion, form secondary marketing effects, and fission and spread, so that the effect is the best.

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