How to build your own blog? What are the tips for blog optimization?


How to build your own blog? What are the tips for blog optimization? 

BLOG is the abbreviation of WEB LOG. You can have music and videos. Then all netizens can visit, including your own friends (of course you can also set whether to allow strangers to visit separately), that's it!!

Although many third-party blogs have been abandoned by most SEOers to optimize their rankings, the reason is that maintenance is time-consuming, the weight transfer is low, and it is easy to be banned. However, some industries that can build personal brands and personalities will still update their blogs. After all, there is a circle there, so how do you build your own blog? What are the techniques for blog optimization?

How to build your own blog? What are the tips for blog optimization?

Now that the Internet is developing rapidly, a large number of websites are being added every day, and the technology is constantly being upgraded. Building a website has become easier and simpler. For beginners, they will know how to build their own blog according to a tutorial, and they will no longer have no idea. To start, especially for self-media and friends in the SEO industry, having an independent blog has become standard.

Before we build a personal blog, we must first think about what the purpose is, such as marketing ourselves, learning records, expanding contacts, taking orders for profit, etc., at least there must be a direction, then there are two types of blogs, one is a third-party platform blog , such as Sina, CSDN, etc., while CSDN gathers technology houses, there are many fewer people who can insist on updating, and Sina is easier to block, and the popularity of each platform is decreasing. The other is to buy the domain name, space, and program by yourself. After filing, you can issue a chapter and optimize it. It has an independent website background, and the controllability is imposed and the technology is simple. Most people are using it now.

In terms of programs, zblog, wordpress, imperial cms, dede, etc. are now used more. If you are a novice and want to learn how to build your own blog, but you don’t know much about the basics of building a website, you can add me on WeChat for free guidance, or read my other articles. An article: How to create a blog, this article shares the process of building a blog website.

So the tips for optimizing blogs on third-party platforms are as follows:

1. Determine the theme of a blog, think about what kind of content to share, and name it reasonably, and the marketing nature should not be too heavy. Usually, the official website of the website will review the blog, which is easy to pass.

2. Improve the information and keep it updated. It is better to keep the content updated for one to two days. Don’t rush to add keyword links. It can be reprinted and mixed with pseudo-original, but the number of pseudo-original is more, and the article should focus on this industry, this The topic is sent, otherwise it is meaningless and increases the risk of the title. It is recommended to use pseudo-original tools and some technical article revisions.

3. Make some comments on other blogs that are updated and indexed by search engines, and add homepage links to each other, so that blogs can be indexed by search engines as soon as possible.

4. You can also do internal links between blog articles and articles, and control the number of one to three.

5. After intensive cultivation for a period of time, the blog is indexed by search engines. Gradually, you can appropriately increase the internal links of some targeted keyword articles, as well as the friend links on the homepage of the blog. Note that the content should be related to the keywords.

The above is for newcomers to share how to build their own blog and a few blog optimization tips. Although it is not detailed enough, you will know how to do it at a glance. Whether it is an independent website or a third-party platform blog, to highlight the effect must follow the article. Quantity, quality, and operation time are directly proportional. You can test and summarize, and continuously optimize the method. Next, Qingdao SEO Zhang Lianlei will talk about the creation of independent blogs:

Steps to create a website

I talked about a bunch of reasons for creating a personal website, advantages and disadvantages, etc. Now let’s talk about some real dry goods. How to build a website of your own , In fact, building a website is not as complicated as imagined, and there is no problem as long as you follow the steps below. There are five steps in total:

  1. Register a domain name
  2. Buy space
  3. Server environment installation (website code deployment)
  4. Submit the filing
  5. Domain name resolution

1. Domain Name

i) Register a domain name

Here we take Alibaba Cloud and Alibaba Cloud as an example (other service providers can also be selected: Tencent Cloud, Baidu Cloud and foreign ones).

Query the domain name you want to register, such as:, just enter zhanglianlei to search, why do you need to search? This is because some domain names may have been registered by others, as long as others have not registered you can register.

ii) Purchase a server

If you want to run a website (blog) stably, you need to buy your own server. The server does not need to be too good, but it requires a dedicated host. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to buy it. In fact, Alibaba Cloud has servers specially designed for this kind of application.

iii) Website filing

According to the Administrative Measures for Internet Information Services of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, websites cannot open access to servers in mainland China before completing the filing. If your website is hosted on a node server in mainland China, or if you open a CDN service, you must apply for ICP (Internet Content Provider) filing. If the website server is a non-mainland China node, there is no need to apply for filing.

There are two types of ICP:

1. ICP filing: For websites that are purely informative and do not involve direct sales, you need to apply for ICP filing. ICP filing can be applied through website hosting server providers or cyberspace service providers (such as China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, etc.). Alibaba Cloud ICP filing operations can be divided into: filing, access filing, new website filing (the original filing was not on Alibaba Cloud), and new website filing (the original filing was on Alibaba Cloud). Note: Personal websites fall into this category.

2. Commercial ICP License: For online platforms or third-party sellers of goods or services, a commercial license is required. You must first have a valid ICP record no to apply for an operating ICP license. Operational filing requires the user to go to the relevant department of the local authority to handle it, and the service provider can assist in providing qualifications and access agreements.

For website filing requirements, you can go to: to understand, it should be noted that different server providers have their own filing access. Cross-service provider filing is not allowed, that is, a server purchased from Alibaba cannot be filed with a service provider other than Alibaba Cloud.

2. Server space

i) Server environment installation

The installation of the server is relatively simple. Here we mainly introduce: Window system and Linux system server. For those who are not familiar with IT technology, it is recommended to choose the Window system when purchasing a server, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles. And if you have some basic IT technology and want to understand and learn the Linux system, it is recommended to install CentOS or Ubuntu.

ii) Install the blog system

There are so many systems out there that are free systems for websites or personal blogs that are robust and powerful over the years. Here are some popular free blogging systems.

Wordpress: Well-deserved, there are many users at home and abroad, there are a large number of plug-ins and templates, and the seo aspect is also very good.

bo-blog: A well-known blog system with domestic PHP technology, there are many beautiful Chinese templates.

Z-BlogPHP: The system code has not been updated for a long time, and it does not affect the use.

emlog : emlog is a powerful blog and CMS website building system based on PHP and MySQL. Committed to providing you with fast, stable and extremely simple and convenient content creation and site building services.

Recommendation: Wordpress, there are many users, it is easier to find solutions for any problems.

The installation is very simple, download the source code of the system, and extract the code file to the installation directory where WampServer is installed (as mentioned earlier: C:/Wamp directory), and access it through a browser on the server: http://localhost to install.

iii) Domain name resolution

Assuming that you have registered a domain name and successfully installed the blog system, the necessary work for the public blog website is to resolve the domain name. First, log in to your Alibaba Cloud account, enter the console, and find the domain name and website in the side menu items ( Wanwang) -> Domain Name

Select the domain name you want to resolve, then click the resolve link

Just enter, it should be an empty parsing list, click Add parsing, and fill in the relevant data values ​​in the pop-up input box

After adding the above record, you can access your website through the domain name in the browser.

Note: The analysis added above does not take effect immediately. The TTL value specifies the time to take effect. In this option, 10 minutes is selected, which means that it needs to be added and submitted for 10 minutes before it takes effect.

A little off topic:

If you are interested in the Internet, it is recommended to set up a personal independent blog as soon as possible . If I can build my personal blog five years earlier, then my blog will definitely develop to another level. So, while you are young, have ideas, and have time, build your own independent blog early and build your personal brand!

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