New Website Optimization Ranking Tips


New website optimization ranking skills! 

Companies doing website optimization most hope to see their newly built websites rise rapidly in GOOGLE and Baidu rankings, but because the new websites are not included much, the external links are not wide, and the website weight is not high. , instability and other shortcomings, resulting in the new website ranking very low in the search engine in the early stage, this is a worrying thing for all companies doing promotion, so is there a way to quickly increase the ranking of the new website? The answer is yes. Below, Qingdao SEO Zhang Lianlei shares his new website optimization and quick ranking skills!

New Website Optimization Ranking Tips

1. Optimize the promotion work and process after the new site goes online (initial stage)

1. Website positioning

Website positioning, as an important part of SEO strategy, is generated through the analysis of website users, the strength of Internet competitiveness and other factors, which directly affects whether the website can effectively participate in rankings, obtain industry traffic, and whether it has the ability to expand.

Determine the main factors of positioning:

(1) Main business of the website

(2) The core competitiveness of the website

(3) User needs

(4) Website keywords focus on traffic value or index value

(5) Competitive product reference

2. Keyword filter

Keyword screening is based on the degree of SEO’s mastery of its own optimization level and the understanding of the market. It is mainly based on the selection of keywords that can achieve ranking first. Big words all have the desire to operate, and it is a big dream not to participate in ranking. one.

(1) Tool mining

SEO routine operations, through competitive screening, keyword mining tools, Baidu index, Baidu drop-down, Baidu related search, traffic statistics tools, common customer software, etc.

(2) Selection of words

The concept of word selection is to further screen out the keywords that are suitable for the needs of the enterprise website after completing a large number of keyword mining . Know what words to optimize.

(3) Layout

After determining the main body of the website, the keywords of the website are laid out, and the page layout is carried out with the columns as the core. There are many techniques.

A. Website URL (length, dynamic and static, abbreviation)

B. Page layout position (website crawling from top to bottom, left to right)

C. Keyword density (3%-8%)

Use of D.H1 tags

E. Appropriately bold

3. Content release

(1) New station filling

Before opening robots, the website needs to be filled in the site to establish a good foundation for search engine cognition.

It is not recommended that after going online, there are still empty columns on the website, which will affect the judgment of search engine impressions.

(2) Inner loop

In the previous content update, try to point the anchor text to the home page, assign a value to the home page, and increase the possibility of the home page participating in the ranking.

(3) Basic content requirements

A. Articles with pictures, pictures need to add ALT tags

B. The keyword layout is reasonable

C. Suggested length of 600-800 words

D. The paragraph is clear.

2. Website optimization and ranking expansion to improve website inclusion (mid-term)

1. Look at the record

The speed of the website collection speed determines whether the website needs to strengthen the content output.

(1) Slow website collection

Enhance the quality of articles, enhance the reading value of users, and do a good job in the layout of content keywords.

(2) The website collects quickly

Strengthen the output of content and increase the inclusion of more content.

2. Look at the basic ranking

After the preliminary work is done, the most important thing is to look at the basic ranking. Through the basic ranking, we can determine the position of the website in the search engine in time. As SEO, this still needs some points.

(1) Full title search

Full title search, presence or absence, determines the base of site friendliness.

A. in power

It shows that the foundation of the website is still very good, and more content can be further expanded, which can effectively promote the basic ranking of the website.

B. On the home page

There are still problems with the website, and the quality of the articles needs to be improved.

C. Not on the home page

It means that the quality of the website is poor. It is necessary to further strengthen the foundation of the website and improve the quality. It is not suitable for further operations. The foundation is the core of ranking.

Of course, if you search for a few pages with the full title, it will be a big red, and it is normal that it is not on the home page.

(2) Recording ranking

After the index is included, whether the keywords related to the title participate in the ranking of the first five pages is the key point for the rapid growth of the website's early ranking.

After the content is included, the website has inner pages to participate in more rankings. Although it is not on the home page, it can also strengthen the content output, establish more possibilities for participating in rankings, further strengthen the friendliness of search engines, increase the frequency of crawling, and increase the speed of inclusion.

If the page does not participate in the ranking of the first five pages after being included, you can analyze the content according to the quality, layout, and keyword density. Through continuous adjustment, you can see whether a better participation can be achieved. This is an important part of the foundation of SEO optimization .

In the past two years, Baidu has vigorously promoted the mobile terminal. The previous bear paw number, the current Baidu applet. It has a certain relationship with the popularity of today's mobile terminals. Website optimization is to optimize the website as a whole, so that the traffic of the site can be improved. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt the mobile terminal of the new site at this stage. , of course, you can choose adaptive and H5 interface in website construction. Through my sharing of new site optimization, I believe it will be helpful to SEOers to a certain extent.


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