These four issues must be taken into account in the website revision plan


With the improvement of website development technology, the visual experience of the interface is getting better and better, and enterprises must adapt to the pace of iteration in the development. The sense of trust is stronger. When it is determined to redesign and develop a website, a website revision plan is needed to make the subsequent development and optimization work smoother. Then what issues should be taken into account in the website revision plan?

These four issues must be taken into account in the website revision plan

1. Websites with excellent page color design

In addition to the page layout, the color design is also the first priority. The matching skills are very important. Some websites will use color to identify the brand image, and the main color uses the main color of the LOGO. Usually when we choose the main color, we must consider whether it is coordinated with the website's LOGO, the comfort of users' browsing, etc. Different industries will also choose different colors. For example, most e-commerce companies use warm colors, which can stimulate consumers' nerves and stimulate purchases. interest.

2. The width of the website interface

At present, most widescreen high-resolution monitors are used, so the web design should also conform to this trend, especially the top to the banner area, and the display effect in high-resolution mode should be considered. In addition, the design of the web page should meet the product characteristics and display needs, and integrate some elements into it so that consumers can feel it.

3. Highlight the key content

Take the corporate website as an example. Company profiles, product displays, project cases, solutions, news information, etc. need to be planned and placed on the homepage of the website. If some modules are not prominently designed, it will be difficult for users to find what they need. information, then the marketing ability of the website is greatly reduced. Therefore, one part of the website revision plan: important marketing content or service content should be placed in a prominent position.

4. Combining SEO to optimize

the website revision From the SEO point of view, there are quite a few points to pay attention to, such as the retention of the old website content and the consistent URL address. If the URL structure is completely changed, pay attention to setting 301 redirection and 404 friendly pages. There are also website opening speed optimization, code reduction, reduction of JS, framework, independent page TKD settings, ALT tags, etc., the home page should retain the news information section, generally in the form of title + graphic introduction, increase the proportion of home page text while search engines capture take more friendly.

Summary: In addition to the improvement of aesthetics and the increase of practical functions, the website revision plan mainly considers maximizing without affecting the ranking weight, user experience optimization , content planning and display, etc. If the website has been in operation for a long time and the pages are included more, then the original website The content must be retained, and revisions that do not affect traffic are meaningful.

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