SEO Blog: What are the optimization techniques for article SEO?


The original content of the website will improve the quality of the entire site, but many novice webmasters will think that as long as it is an original article, it must be high-quality. In fact, it is not. In addition to handling the details, high-quality articles must also comply with the rules of SEO articles. In response to this problem, the SEO blog will share what optimization techniques the article has for SEO.

SEO Blog: What are the optimization techniques for article SEO?

1. What is an Original Article?

For search engines, original content is the content that is not duplicated in the search engine's index library. Simply understand, you select an article from a search engine and copy it to your own website, and the content you copy is unoriginal content in the eyes of the search engine. So how to rewrite an included article into your own original article requires some SEO copywriting skills, such as rewriting and replacing the words, sentences, and paragraphs of the article, adding your own expressions, but retaining the original point of view or theme, SEO bloggers have proven that this method can be recognized and ranked by search engines.

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2. Article SEO optimization skills

There are also a lot of attention to publishing articles. We must not only ensure the quality of the content of the article, but also comply with the algorithm rules of the search engine. Pay attention to some skills that can add points to the entire article and make it easier for users to search.

1. Article title optimization

  1. The title of the article should be novel and not repeated in the search engine;
  2. It should meet the user's search needs, and the text expression should touch the user's pain point;
  3. The title should incorporate keywords and appear in the first half of the title;
  4. Article The title should be within 30 Chinese characters, preferably no more than 25;
  5. The title is composed of two parts, the middle division symbol is "|" or "-" in English, and spaces are added to the left and right;

2. Keyword layout in the text

  1. Article The text should contain keywords, which should be consistent with the theme of the content;
  2. The number of keywords should be 3-5, which should not be too many. Keywords should appear in the first sentence of the first paragraph, about 3 times in the middle, and keywords should be included at the end;
  3. Keywords must reflect the content of the current page, and do not need to consider the entire content of the website;
  4. The relevant words added must be in line with the user's search habits, and must be added reasonably without deliberately affecting reading;

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3. Write the description of the article

  1. The description must include keywords, and the number of occurrences should not exceed 3 times, preferably 1 to 2 times;
  2. Baidu has word segmentation technology, and it is not necessary to add complete keywords. For example, "SEO blog" can be divided into "SEO" and "SEO". "Blog";
  3. Control the number of words in the description writing, no more than 100 words;
  4. The description writing takes into account the content theme, and for the user's needs or pain points, the sentence is refined to highlight the user's attention points;

4. Article content layout requirements

  1. Article content keywords Appear 3-5 times, and control the density of keywords;
  2. The structure is clear, and the article structure adopts 1/2/3 point type, which is convenient for users to read smoothly;
  3. The number of words in each article should not be too much, and it should be controlled within 200 words to reduce the reading pressure of users;
  4. For important sentences, you can set the text color, and the subtitle can be bolded to attract users' attention; 
  5. With pictures and texts , pay attention to the correlation between the content of the picture and the content of the page;

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5. Picture optimization

  1. The content of the page is consistent, and keywords can be incorporated;
  2. The size of the picture must meet the ratio: 121x75, which can be expanded in equal proportions, which is the size specified by Baidu;
  3. The location of the picture , after the first paragraph, and pictures can also be added after the end of some paragraphs;
  4. You can choose to add a text description at the bottom of the picture to directly show the original meaning of the picture;
  5. The content of the picture must be related to the content of the page, and the clarity and size must be guaranteed cannot exceed 200KB;

Summary: Through the article SEO optimization techniques shared by the above SEO blog, I believe that everyone is very clear about these details. From a general perspective, the theme of the article is written based on keywords, the text should be beautifully typed, the text should be read smoothly, and there should be a summary at the beginning and end. words, which reduces the readability of the article.

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