Website Opening Slow? How to Optimize Website Opening Speed?


For the calculation of website ranking, the speed of page opening is one of the important evaluation indicators, so the problem of slow website opening speed must be solved. The opening speed of a website depends on a variety of factors. Today, let's talk about how to optimize the opening speed of a website?

Website Opening Slow? How to Optimize Website Opening Speed?

Generally, we increase the opening speed of the website by increasing the cache, optimizing the pictures, and opening the CDN. Here, we also recommend that you use the Yslow tool to test the loading speed of your page, and give more specific modification suggestions to let you You know why web pages are slow to open . In Google's extension tool, you can directly download Yslow, and you can check the indicators of this tool by yourself.

So what is the optimization method for slow website opening speed?

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1. Reduce HTTP requests

In a website, pictures, forms, and videos can all make HTTP requests. Combining scripts and CSS files into one place, or caching images, can reduce HTTP requests. If WordPress uses Maxcdn, you can directly check the settings.

2. Gzip compression

Simply speaking, Gzip compression, compresses the content of the website! After Gzip is turned on, it will compress the data output to the user's browser, which will reduce the amount of data transmitted through the network, thereby improving the browsing speed.

The following two tools can check whether your website has compression enabled? How much is compressed? 

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3.Turning on the cache is obviously very necessary.

WP users install the W3 Total Cache plugin and turn on the CDN mode. It is necessary to make your website open significantly faster. 

4. Optimize Pictures 

Usually if you want to upload pictures on the website, you must optimize them in advance, mainly to optimize the size of the pictures, and then upload them to the website. The following two tools are recommended for everyone, that is, to compress the image losslessly in advance:

If is on WP, you can install Shortpixel and Wp Smushit, you can choose one of the two.

5. Don't install too many plug-ins

Too many plug-ins can only cause your website to open slowly. The functions of some plug-ins are really cool, but later you will find that they are not very useful. We must be clear, what is the purpose of building a website, which is to provide users with effective information, reduce the user's bounce rate, and then increase the conversion rate of the website... This is the essence! So understand this, and you can get rid of a lot of bells and whistles.

There are several main plug-ins:

  1. Plug-ins that improve the opening speed of websites 
  2. Plug-ins that back up websites
  3. Plug-ins that optimize websites
  4. Plug-ins that enhance website protection
  5. Plug-ins that facilitate user browsing and increase experience

6. Avoid advertisements. There are too many videos

Some websites are filled with too many advertisements, which are pop-up windows and videos. It's true that the website looks good, but it's still not practical. You should grasp a degree so that the website is not too exaggerated. A well-reputed website normally does not easily make external links for others. Too many advertisements and lengthy videos will affect your website, not only the loading speed of the website, but also the loading speed of the website. May be the site ranking.

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7. The website server 

The quality of the website server has a great impact on the website. Don't choose a server from an unknown small factory in order to save some money. If you want to make a website for a long time, you need a little capital investment. For many blogs, I recommend Bluehost as the server, which is also officially recommended by Wordpress, and it is very reliable.

In response to the problem of slow website opening speed, the above are some methods to share the website opening speed optimization. Website optimization, including placing CSS styles at the top of the page, moving scripts to the bottom, including choosing a good Wordpress theme, will all have an impact on the speed of the website.

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