What are the basic optimization methods to improve website ranking?


If a website wants to get traffic from search engines, it must rank first. And the ranking of keywords should be relatively high, because the traffic obtained by ranking more than 3 pages for keywords is very small. For seoers, the improvement of keyword ranking is the most important. Today we will talk about the basic optimization methods for improving website ranking.

What are the basic optimization methods to improve website ranking?

1. The best way to improve the trust of new websites with high-quality content is to update high-quality content every day. A certain percentage of original content is better, and original content must be of high quality to be effective, otherwise it will not help much. So what is a high-quality article? Search engines judge original content based on user experience. Only if your articles are useful to users, can solve users' needs, and have a good reading experience, then such articles are high-quality articles.

2. In order to improve the ranking of the internal chain of the website, the website must first start from the optimization of the site. For website optimization, there are only a few main points, such as website structure, code optimization, and internal link optimization. The inner link is equivalent to the passage connecting each room on the first floor. If the passage is blocked, it will be very difficult to enter each room. Therefore, especially for new websites, the internal link optimization of the website should not be careless, because when spiders crawl, reasonable internal links can increase the depth and breadth of the crawl.

3. High-quality external links can improve ranking and website trust. The external links here are not all external links, but high-quality external links. Because some spam external links not only can not effectively help the new station to obtain a good ranking, but may affect the ranking. A high-quality external link can be worth more than 20 spam external links, so we need to make external links with relevance, content updates, and ranking weights. As long as the number goes up, the effect of improving the ranking of the website will be very significant.

4. Stable space. The ranking of a website has an important relationship with the space. Whether it is stable or fast will not only affect the ranking, but also affect the user's visit. Generally speaking, if the opening speed of a website exceeds 10 seconds, 90% of users will be lost. For this, it is recommended to read the article " How to Effectively Improve the Loading Speed ​​of Web Pages ", as well as the ranking drop caused by unstable space. , so for the new station, if you want to improve the website ranking, first rent a cloud host from a big factory.

All in all, the above four methods are necessary to improve website ranking. Either aspect is indispensable, and if you ignore any of the above, you may not be able to achieve not only fast rankings, but even ideal rankings. Therefore, the basic optimization of website ranking must be done carefully to meet the rules of search engine optimization, so that the website can obtain good ranking and traffic.

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