Four bad habits hinder English listening learning


1: Only move your ears, not your hands

      Many candidates report that they feel okay when practicing listening, but they can't write the correct answers in the exam, or they understand the methods taught by the teacher, but they don't know where to start when doing the questions. This is actually caused by a fatal misunderstanding when preparing for the listening test, which is to only move your ears but not your hands. You must know that an important aspect of the listening test is the ability of instant memory and shorthand. What you listen to and think must eventually be implemented into the answers on the paper. This ability is mainly reflected in the conversion process from ear to handwriting. How can you improve your listening scores in Level 4 and Level 6 by only listening without reading the questions or writing ?

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English listening, Focus, Different English words

      2: More extensive listening and less intensive listening

      Some students listen to it every day and put it on wherever they go, listening while walking, eating, and sleeping. It seems that they are trying very hard, but the effect is not ideal. To improve listening within a limited time, it is better to listen more intensively and less extensively. Because listening in the English test requires you to concentrate and listen carefully, understand the content and choose the answer within a limited time. Students who are more accustomed to extensive listening may encounter problems such as mind wandering and lack of concentration in the examination room. It is recommended that students set aside a period of time every morning, ranging from 40 minutes to an hour, to sit quietly and practice listening. It's far better than wearing headphones every day, seemingly in harmony but not in touch with others.

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      3: Targeting without aim, treating headache and foot.

      Compared with reading and other types of questions, the language ability of the listening test is more comprehensive. Vocabulary spelling, pronunciation, grammar, material understanding and memory abilities are all covered. Many students listened again and again if they didn't understand. In the end, there were still many things they couldn't understand. The so-called efforts that were made in one go were exhausted again and again, and their confidence was hit hard. In fact, you should stop at this time and see where the problem is that you don't understand. For example, is it the pronunciation of the word, the intonation of the sentence, or the weak pronunciation of plosive sounds that affects it ? After clarifying the problem, make targeted breakthroughs. If it is a pronunciation and intonation problem, read more aloud instead of spending time on spelling words. You must find out your real problem and avoid falling into the misunderstanding of treating a headache and treating a problem.

      4: Entertainment first

      Listening to English songs and movie dialogues is definitely helpful for improving listening, but the process is too slow, and many students only have entertainment in the end, because we are easily attracted by the beautiful tunes of songs and the exciting plots of movies, and We have forgotten the original intention of practicing listening. People who have watched hundreds of English movies may not necessarily have good listening skills. Moreover, there may be a lot of colloquial slang expressions in songs and movies, which is not very helpful for Level 4 and Level 6 students.

      Therefore, it is recommended that students put aside entertainment first and do some useful listening exercises in a down-to-earth manner.


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