How can I quickly increase my website ranking?


Since Baidu search engine updated its algorithm, nearly 80 to 90% of new websites have only been included in one homepage in a month or two. No matter how optimized they are, the inner pages will not be included in Baidu. So how can we make Baidu index our website?

How can I quickly increase my website ranking?

Guarantee the relevance of content and business

Ensuring the relevance of content and business is the first prerequisite for inclusion. If your website is a moving company, but the content written on the website is indeed cosmetic surgery, Baidu will not include it.


Add friendly links

You can exchange friendship links with your peers, so that Baidu spiders can easily crawl to your own website for inclusion while indexing other websites.

Update original articles

Baidu is particularly inclined to original articles, because Baidu believes that original articles are of relatively high quality, and Baidu likes to include websites that publish many original articles on the website.


Content-Focused Format

It is best to use a three-paragraph article. If it is directly integrated into one paragraph, it will be difficult for this content to be included in Baidu. What's more, we are still a new site, and the weight is basically equal to none.

How often the website is updated

If the website is updated frequently, there is an update frequency. Baidu will think that the company pays more attention to the maintenance of the website, and spiders will come to crawl frequently, so remember to fish for three days and dry the web for two days. , such as two articles today, two articles tomorrow, and two articles the day after. The best time for spiders to be included is between nine and ten on weekdays, and the website is best updated at this time.

If you do the above points, congratulations you are not far from being included! Keep working hard to optimize it!

To improve the authority of the website, please refer to the article " Detailed explanation of Qingdao SEO how to quickly increase the authority of the website ", please indicate the source for reprinting! For more exciting content, scan the QR code and follow Qingdao SEO Zhang Lianlei's WeChat public account to get more dry goods and a good place to exchange and learn!

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